
Each of our regular meetings includes a table show for which we award a number of trophies. Our programme is as follows. Meetings are held at the St Andrew’s Centre, Brenda James Close, Thunder Lane, Norwich NR7 0LH from 7pm for a 7:30pm start on the first Wednesday of every month except where marked*.

Venue: St Andrew’s Centre, Brenda James Close, Thunder Lane, Norwich, NR7 0LH.

03-Jan-24 Sempervivum & Jovibarba Laurie Poulson Plus practical session on cultivation
07-Feb-24 Huntington Gardens Mike Harvey Plus members’ auction
06-Mar-24 Madagascar Ron Crawford Summer table show begins
03-Apr-24 South Africa Trevor Wray
01-May-24 Baja California Ian Woolnough
05-Jun-24 Melocactus & Discocactus John Arnold Plus King Cup
03-Jul-24* Summer Social*
04-Aug-24 Gorleston Clifftop Festival Sales Stall
07-Aug-24 Peru Cliff Thompson Plus Jubilee Shield
04-Sep-24 What is a Species? Laurie Poulson Plus Moody Shield
02-Oct-24 NE Mexico Part 2 Hazel Taylor
06-Nov-24 AGM & Auction Winter Table Show begins
04-Dec-24 Christmas Social